Puppies on the run ^^

Doing a special entrie in english because Kattis wrote that i might get visitors from Finland, Kamis owner. So if ur reading, this is for u guys! ^^ Tia also sends many kisses to the far away daddy Kami ;)

As u might know im visiting Tia and the puppies, have been here since monday 18/5, the day they opened their eyes! Since then alot has happend and everything happens so fast. They now play, react when u talk to them, try to bite things and drag them, all in a kind of unfocues, bad balanced way hihi, very cute ^^

In the earlier entrie i wrote that me and Annica was gonna let the pupps run in the hallway tonight, a well sized area for them at the moment. When we picked them up from the "box", most of them was waiting with the paws to the wall, standing on their backfeet, they learn fast that the outside is fun :)

Taking pics of them is becoming more of a challenge, as they move alot more now ^^

Puppies on the run!

Shoes are fun, but the floor is a bit slippery

They had a blast, and we had a blast observing them!

Hugs from Cattis, Tia and the pupps!

Postat av: Kattis

Ååh! Nu blir nog Henna OCH Kami gladast i världen! :-D Du är så gullig, "Salander". ;-) (Se filmen "Män som hatar kvinnor", eller läs böckerna av Stieg Larsson. *ler*)

Har du fått Henna's e-post adress? Jag kan skicka ett mail till dig med den, om du vill skriva lite själv till dem. :-)

Krrram banaaan! :-P

PS. Gud så kul att din kompis kommer att ta hand om Sigge-busingen. :-)

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